Some notes on Git
 Tags: git
TIL: pytube (library for downloading YouTube videos)
 Tags: python
⌨️ Durgod HK Venus Review
 Tags: keyboards
2023 Year in Review 🌎
🪰 Deploying a Django app to
🎨 Building colour schemes with mini.base16
 Tags: neovim
⌨️ My unhealthy relationship with keyboards
Neovim: sending buffer contents to a live repl
 Tags: Neovim
A vim experiment: ditching fuzzy finders
 Tags: Vim Neovim
Neovim pylsp flake8
 Tags: Neovim Python
SQLAlchemy tracking column modifications
 Tags: Python SQLAlchemy
Giving Debian 12 'Bookworm' a Spin
 Tags: Linux Debian
Bulk audio/video processing on Linux
 Tags: Linux Audio