Neovim pylsp flake8

I recently had a bit of a pain getting pylsp setup with flake8 so I'm documenting how I did it for future reference.

Instead of putting neovim LSP configuration in my init.lua file, I like to configure this per project. To do this I enable exrc with:

vim.opt.exrc = true
-- Or in .vimrc
set exrc

Then I create a new local .nvim.lua configuration file in my project containing the following (which isavailable in gist form):

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
  settings = {
    pylsp = {
      configurationSources = {"flake8"},
      plugins = {
        pycodestyle = {
          enabled = false
        mccabe = {
          enabled = false
        pyflakes = {
          enabled = false
        flake8 = {
          enabled = true

vim.cmd [[autocmd BufWritePre *.py lua vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true })]]