Neovim: sending buffer contents to a live repl

 Tags: Neovim

I was recently messing around with Clojure again solving some Advent of code problems (as I sometimes do).

Whenever I'm using Clojure I try and leverage the power of the REPL and eval stuff in my editor using tpope/vim-fireplace.

For fun, I wondered if I could use the neovim job control API to achieve a super basic version of the same thing in Python.

I'm aware there's loads of plugins out there already achieve this but here's what I came up with:

The first piece is an augroup to capture the latest terminal job id, (this was easier than writing code to spawn a dedicated terminal and track the id)

augroup Terminal
au TermOpen * let g:last_term_job_id = b:terminal_job_id
augroup END

The next piece is a convenience command to launch a Python REPL for the current buffer:

command Repl execute 'vsplit | term python -i %' | set syntax=python | execute "normal \<C-W>h"

Finally two bindings (normal mode and visual mode) to send either lines or currently selected text to be evaluated in the REPL:

nnoremap cpp "kyy \| :call jobsend(g:last_terminal_job_id, @k)<CR>
vnoremap cpp "kyy \| :call jobsend(g:last_terminal_job_id, @k . "\n")<CR>

Below is a video demonstration (Not too bad for ~10 minutes of confused googling).