Per Project Neovim Config

 Tags: Neovim

I recently added the following snippet to my init.lua neovim config:

if vim.fn.filereadable('project_config.lua') == 1 then

Once I've got this file in place I can add per project keybindings. E.g.

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>tt', ':vsplit | term cd %:p:h:h; poetry run pytest --pdb -s -x --ff<CR>', { noremap=true, silent=false })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>tf', ':vsplit | term cd %:p:h:h; poetry run pytest --pdb -s -x --ff %:p<CR>', { noremap=true, silent=false })

I like to bind <leader>tt and <leader>tf to quickly run tests. Placing this configuration per project is useful here as the specifics of how tests are ran can vary between projects.

Security Risks

I'm aware this is a potential security risk as I'm loading arbitrary code from disk. In an ideal world I'd probably want to prompt first for approval, or have a whitelist of safe directories (similar to direnv).