February 2023 Review

 Tags: Personal

February has been a super busy month for me. I'm pleased to announce that once again I'm back in Brazil. After a few hiccups* with paperwork I now have permission to stay for a full year 🥳.

Since I've been busy moving my entire life across the Atlantic ocean, I haven't had as much time to dedicate to reading or writing. Consequently this update is going to take on a slightly different format from the previous.

The Hiccup

This is something I learnt the hard way and feel pretty stupid and naive in hindsight. Some of you might know this already, but for those of you that don't, take note.

I'd brought along (what I believed to be) all the correct visa documentation to Brazil. Whilst attempting to verify my documents at the police office, visa processing officers informed me that my copy of the birth certificate I'd brought along wasn't officially recognised in foreign countries 🤦🏼‍♂️.

It turns out, Brazil (and many other countries) require an 'Apostille certification' for certain documentation to be internationally recognised. The fact a document was issue and recognised in one country, doesn't guarantee it will be recognised in another

It's something I'd never encountered before and consequently wasn't something I'd even thought to check. It caused quite bit of a panic and stress at the time.

If you're a UK citizen (like me) you can use this page on gov.uk to get documents signed (the process does take a number of weeks).

Adapting to new life in Brazil

I flew out on the 12th of February and arrived in the capital (Brasília) the next day. This timing also nicely coincided with carnival (17th - 25th) which I experienced for the first time.

I hope to write more in-depth about my experiences in Brazil in the future, but for now, I want to share a couple of my favourite things I've discovered here.

Firstly some of the scenery around the neighbourhood where I'm living is beautiful, just look at this image!

Views from my neighbourhood

Secondly (pictured below), every Sunday the cities main road closed off for pedestrians. This is a pretty big deal as Brasilia was pretty much designed under the assumption everyone would get around by automobile.

The attraction is really popular, attracting lots of runners, cyclists and walkers. Alongside the road street vendors set up stalls selling food, there's music and the vibes are just generally really nice.

The road itself is located not too far from where I live, so it's convenient. This also means I have no excuse to get out there and train 🏃‍♂️ (like I said I would in my 2023 New Years Resolution).

It's been nearly a full year since I last participated in a running event (Stafford half marathon) so I'm currently debating whether or not to sign up for a 13k run (Circuito das Estações) here in Brasília later this month (26th March).

Every Sunday the main road is closed for pedestrians