Deploy Miniflux on Flyio

 Tags: RSS Flyio

In its own words:

Miniflux is a minimalist and opinionated feed reader.

miniflux screenshot

Here’s a quick rundown on how to self-host your own Miniflux instance on


This tutorial assumes you already have a account and have flyctl installed.

If not: head over to the getting started documentation

Create a new app

fly launch --no-deploy

Create a Postgres database

flyctl postgres create

This should give you a connection string URI of the format:


E.g. mine looks like:


Set some Secrets

Following the recommendation from the miniflux docker installation documentation. Take your DB URI and then append ?sslmode=disable:

fly secrets set DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:*password*@jack-miniflux-db.internal:5432?sslmode=disable"

E.g. using the connection string from my example above:

fly secrets set DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:e85b9898dcb63b1111e4980e8dbc3bbb90c8c79870ee6eca@jacks-awesome-example-db.internal:5432?sslmode=disable"

Then set a default username and password (these can always be changed later)

fly secrets set ADMIN_USERNAME="*email*"
fly secrets set ADMIN_PASSWORD="*password*"

Edit the fly.toml file

Edit the fly.toml file to include the following:

  image = "miniflux/miniflux:latest"


The rest of the auto-generated contents can remain the same.


fly deploy

You should then be able to access the deployed instance by running:

fly open