An Sqlalchemy Footgun Revisited

In this previous post I wrote about shooting myself in the foot 🔫 with Cartesian products in SQLAlchemy.

Lets visit the SQLAlchemy model example:

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = "users"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    email = Column(String, unique=True, index=True)
    items = relationship("Item", back_populates="owner")

class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = "items"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    title = Column(String, index=True)
    owner_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))

    owner = relationship("User", back_populates="items")

Database Setup

Recall: in the DB we had x2 User(s) (Homer & Marge), and x2 Item(s) associated with Homer

>>> db.query(,
>>> [(1, ''), (2, '')]

>>> db.query(Item.title, Item.owner_id).all()
>>> [('Duff Beer', 1), ('Lard Lad Donut', 1)]

# Items associated with homer
>>> db.query(User).get(1).items
[<reddit.models.Item at 0x7f338ea97730>,
 <reddit.models.Item at 0x7f338ea96e00>]

# Items associated with marge
>>> db.query(User).get(2).items
>>> []

Old Behaviour

In the previous post we wanted to write a query to fetch all the Item(s) associated with

>>> db.query(Item.title).filter(
[('Duff Beer',), ('Lard Lad Donut',)]

In the background SQLAlchemy would silently perform a cartesian join, sometimes having unintentional results (in this case returning ALL Item(s)).

New Behaviour

If we're using SQLalchemy 2.0 and we attempt to execute this query without first joining on the User table we now get a warning:

>>> db.query(Item.title).filter( ==
<ipython-input-11-d6991ed67293>:1: SAWarning: SELECT statement has a cartesian product between FROM element(s) "users" and FROM element "items".  Apply join condition(s) between each element to resolve.
  db.query(Item.title, Item.owner_id).filter( ==
[('Duff Beer',), ('Lard Lad Donut', )]
SAWarning: SELECT statement has a cartesian product between FROM element(s) "users" and FROM element "items".  Apply join condition(s) between each element to resolve.

Which I think this is really awesome 🥳

Aside: Here's the equivalent query rewritten in the newer SQLALchemy 2.0 query style:

>>> marge = db.get(User, 2)

>>> stmt = select(Item.title).where( ==

>>> db.execute(stmt).all()
<ipython-input-5-971dc4667e1f>:1: SAWarning: SELECT statement has a cartesian product between FROM element(s) "users" and FROM element "items".  Apply join condition(s) between each element to resolve.
[('Duff Beer',), ('Lard Lad Donut',)]

As discussed in the previous post, what we really want is:

>>> stmt = select(Item.title).join(User).where( ==

>>> db.execute(stmt).all()