📚 2022 Reading List

 Tags: Books

One of my goals this year was to read more and to make a regular habit of reading before bedtime. Particularly because I find reading before bed significantly improves my quality of sleep.

I'm pleased as I managed to read a total of 15 books this year (an increase from just 9 last year).

It's still not as many as I'd hoped to read, but there's always next year...

I have a suspicion I actually read more than this, but I just failed to track certain books via good-reads. Next year I'll try to be more vigilant about tracking which books I'm currently reading/read.

You can find a full breakdown here

From this list the ones I most enjoyed are: - Project Hail Mary (by the author of the Martian) - Chaos Monkeys - Disrupted

Reading List 20222

There's already some books on my radar for next year. I'd like 2023 to be the year I finally conquer the Lord of the Ring trilogy. As a massive fan of the films I think I owe it to myself to actually read the source material.